
Biden is a Republican

We have no working class political party in this country. That is solidified as fact. Joe “nothing will fundamentally change” Biden couldn't even keep his promise. He couldn't even clear the nonexistent, floor-level bar of “nothing will fundamentally change.” He's a crooked, do-nothing career politician at the head of a party that has long abandoned the working class and ordinary people. Joe Biden's administration has accomplished absolutely nothing of substance. It has stood by and watched as our civil rights are stripped from us, our collective liberties are taken away, and our lives have become increasingly more difficult in almost every facet. It has REFUSED to use the power it has to do literally anything helpful. This dude just nominated an anti-abortion Republican judge to a federal judicial position. He just called for a filibuster carveout to codify Roe when he knows that democrats don't even have 50 senators right…

We have no working class political party in this country. That is solidified as fact. Joe “nothing will fundamentally change” Biden couldn't even keep his promise. He couldn't even clear the nonexistent, floor-level bar of “nothing will fundamentally change.” He's a crooked, do-nothing career politician at the head of a party that has long abandoned the working class and ordinary people.

Joe Biden's administration has accomplished absolutely nothing of substance. It has stood by and watched as our civil rights are stripped from us, our collective liberties are taken away, and our lives have become increasingly more difficult in almost every facet. It has REFUSED to use the power it has to do literally anything helpful.

This dude just nominated an anti-abortion Republican judge to a federal judicial position. He just called for a filibuster carveout to codify Roe when he knows that democrats don't even have 50 senators right now because senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont is hurt.

Please please please, stop supporting Democrats and stop supporting Joe Biden. They don't care about you, just like Republicans don't. They will not help you now, and they will never help you unless they are literally forced. Their interests contradict yours. They are enemies of the working class.

If you want to make a difference, stop giving them money. Stop giving corporations your money. Strike. Unionize. Protest. Do anything else besides vote, because voting will NEVER change a thing. Democrats. Will. Not. Do. What. You. Vote. Them. In. To. Do.

EDIT: If I see one more person saying “vote harder,” I'm gonna explode. I'm gonna literally spontaneously combust. VOTING IS RIGGED YOU GUYS. The US is NOT a democracy, your vote means nothiiiiiiiinnngggg. Here's an example. Democratic senators represent TENS OF MILLIONS more ppl than Republican senators, but still have equal power right now.

Go ahead, vote a Democrat in. Watch them be bought and paid for by your corporate overlords in real-time.

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