
Big Boss Decided to Crackdown On “Good reviews” just before mine came up. everyone else in the dept had theirs already.

So the big boss decided to Crack down on what she called “generous” reviews about 2 weeks before my review came up. Everyone else in the dept had theirs. They were graded on the traditional system and all got their full 3% raises. My middle boss called me into the office at the end of the day Friday and handed me the shitty review with a big smile on his face and said “I think thars enough for the full raise.” But.. me having been burned before by the same BS.. while none of my coworkers have ever missed their full raise.. decided to call bullshit. I told him I needed to add up the numbers before I signed even though I could do the math in my head. Then I took the review and sat on it, knowing the whole time he is getting pressure from the big boss…

So the big boss decided to Crack down on what she called “generous” reviews about 2 weeks before my review came up.

Everyone else in the dept had theirs. They were graded on the traditional system and all got their full 3% raises.

My middle boss called me into the office at the end of the day Friday and handed me the shitty review with a big smile on his face and said “I think thars enough for the full raise.” But.. me having been burned before by the same BS.. while none of my coworkers have ever missed their full raise.. decided to call bullshit.

I told him I needed to add up the numbers before I signed even though I could do the math in my head. Then I took the review and sat on it, knowing the whole time he is getting pressure from the big boss and HR for me to sign it so they can skate with the 1% instead of 3.

When he really started to freak out about it.. I brought up the fact that he should change some of the numbers for the better, I let on thar I knew about the meeting with the big boss, and that I was pissed je would even try such a thing, but despite my best effort he changed 1 metric which didnt make a difference.

I brought up that I have a bigger workload than any of my other coworkers… none if us are really that busy.. but I do more than them and they all get theirs.. and he said I shouldn't be comparing myself to others and that he couldn't justify making any of the ither numbers better.

Okay I said.. does that mean I supposed to be a sucker and not say anything about it.
He dodnt answer.

My other boss who doesn't have any part of reviews is trying to gas light me by telling me I should have done a better yearly summary.

Not sure what else I can do.
Thinking about telling them I can't justify the higher workload any more.. or just not saying anything and just not doing it.
I still haven't signed the shitry review.. whether I do or don't it doesn't seem like I'll be getting a raise this year after my whole department besides me did.

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