
Billable work time

I work for a company that uses a tool to write down billable hours per project. That tool gets used to see how busy you are. Since it only shows time for projects, it doesn't show when and if you take breaks or how much time gets wasted on organizational meetings, which you can't bill. Is this alright and legal at all? I started documenting the raw time I lose and it greatly exceeds what's billable. What's your experience with this?

I work for a company that uses a tool to write down billable hours per project. That tool gets used to see how busy you are. Since it only shows time for projects, it doesn't show when and if you take breaks or how much time gets wasted on organizational meetings, which you can't bill.

Is this alright and legal at all? I started documenting the raw time I lose and it greatly exceeds what's billable.

What's your experience with this?

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