
Bit of a rant against 360 and self appraisals

I really hate filling out self appraisals. I aways have. I've been doing then for 20 years and I've hated it every time. It's a ton of work and it either gets binned or managers basically take your work and tweak it to give you a “review”. I've had managers say “so you think you did well this year can you explain why you think so?” Are you kidding me? You want me to review myself and find a bunch of faults for you to knit pick? Pass thanks. It's your job to review my performance, not mine. Not to mention I told you why in the review. Better yet just keep your fake generated criticisms to your self. I have never come out of a review feeling good and ready to work harder next year. To me it seems like it's more about finding ways to get rid of…

I really hate filling out self appraisals. I aways have. I've been doing then for 20 years and I've hated it every time. It's a ton of work and it either gets binned or managers basically take your work and tweak it to give you a “review”. I've had managers say “so you think you did well this year can you explain why you think so?” Are you kidding me? You want me to review myself and find a bunch of faults for you to knit pick? Pass thanks. It's your job to review my performance, not mine. Not to mention I told you why in the review.

Better yet just keep your fake generated criticisms to your self. I have never come out of a review feeling good and ready to work harder next year. To me it seems like it's more about finding ways to get rid of people. Human resources is not for taking care of employees. I do wish they would stop inventing busy work and plotting ways to force people out.

Then we have 360 reviews. Fuck those. This last round had a crap ton of paragraph answers I was supposed to give along with the 5 point rating system for each category. It felt like I was the manager and writing peoples' year end reviews.

Last year I was super kind to my colleagues and rated everyone 4 or 5 stars and left super nice comments. I figured it's us against the system, right. Apparently not everyone did that. During my review I was consistently half to one point behind most of my colleagues. And I had to justify that multiple time during my review meeting. “Why do you think you are half a point below the average for punctuality?” Fucked if I know I've never been more than 2 minutes late for a meeting and I can count the number of times I've been late on one hand and have fingers left. I've never been last. So how the heck should I know why my colleagues rates me lower than average? Oh and you were in most of those meetings so you already know that – moron.

I'm in a mood, again, because I just finished two colleges' 360s. I gave 4s and a few 3s and left a minimum of comments. I'm still not looking forward to my review.

I hate this time of year.

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