
Blaze of glory

What is the best way to say “fuck you, I quit” without damaging me too much. I'm dealing with an abusive and emotional vampire of a coworker. She revealed this week what a sick fuck she is when I set boundaries with her. She has a weird love-hate relationship with me. She is a type A personality psycho. The problem is that she sucks at her job, and she can't handle it. She was set up to fail when she was hired. I get it, but she takes it out on me. She is so damn needy, but she despises me because I am more capable. I told my friend it burns her up that a bunch of awkward introverted people are the geniuses that are succeeding in tech. And she can't hack it! Typical boomer! She revealed that she couldn't handle me leaving the team and her. Psycho. So…

What is the best way to say “fuck you, I quit” without damaging me too much.

I'm dealing with an abusive and emotional vampire of a coworker. She revealed this week what a sick fuck she is when I set boundaries with her. She has a weird love-hate relationship with me.

She is a type A personality psycho. The problem is that she sucks at her job, and she can't handle it. She was set up to fail when she was hired. I get it, but she takes it out on me. She is so damn needy, but she despises me because I am more capable. I told my friend it burns her up that a bunch of awkward introverted people are the geniuses that are succeeding in tech. And she can't hack it! Typical boomer!

She revealed that she couldn't handle me leaving the team and her. Psycho. So I'm like I will fucking sleep on the streets if it gives me the satisfaction of devastating her by leaving. I'm going to refuse to play ball on Monday. If the situation isn't fixed by Friday, then adios!

In fairness, I do like most of the people I work, but if they are legally tied by corporate and/or if they side with her, then I'm gone!

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