
Blinded by The Light

I just suffered a life altering injury last week Wednesday, the 15th of February. I was on a commercial crabber, took the blunt end of an unwrapped bamboo buoy stick to my eye, crushing it, and from what I've been told, pretty much blinding it for the rest of my life. Was life flighted to one of the top trauma hospitals in the country after being brought to shore, and after multiple hours of surgery they saved the eye, just not my sight. I had a 10 year plan in place but the low prices of crab, etc tied in with the high prices of everything else has extended that. I'm bummed and trying to hope, and keep positive, I still have another eye. But I'm ashamed that a part of me feels relief because of the financial compensation I'll receive for that. I just lost half the light of…

I just suffered a life altering injury last week Wednesday, the 15th of February. I was on a commercial crabber, took the blunt end of an unwrapped bamboo buoy stick to my eye, crushing it, and from what I've been told, pretty much blinding it for the rest of my life. Was life flighted to one of the top trauma hospitals in the country after being brought to shore, and after multiple hours of surgery they saved the eye, just not my sight. I had a 10 year plan in place but the low prices of crab, etc tied in with the high prices of everything else has extended that. I'm bummed and trying to hope, and keep positive, I still have another eye. But I'm ashamed that a part of me feels relief because of the financial compensation I'll receive for that. I just lost half the light of the world and I'm happy because after working my ass off for over 20 years I might actually get a boost enough to not stress about bills anymore if I get a decent settlement and set my money up right.

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