I get laughed at and called stupid for this a lot but maybe this sub will get it due to the theme.
I hate dress codes. I hate rules about how I look. I have a tiny tiny face tattoo and dyed hair. This makes me ineligible immediately at most places. I want to wear sweatpants in a job that requires me to lift, climb, reach, squat, get my clothes stained, get soaked in water, etc. If it’s an active job let me wear activewear. Sure it’s my fault for getting tattooed up at 18 but really? Im worthless for some character customization? Sorry I didn’t save my virgin skin for an employer. At this point it’s basically “oh you have full availability and are overqualified for this entry level position? shame about that little tattoo we really needed someone :(“. Or asking me to dye my hair differently as if I haven’t been dying it the same color for 10 years. I must change and alter my physical body in permanent or semi permanent ways for 15 an hour. I like how I look and I barely have any freedom as it is. Why can’t I at least have a minimal amount of bodily autonomy if Im going to work a slave wage. And before it’s brought up no, never been arrested and don’t do drugs. If that’s what they cared about a drug test/background check should put me in the clear.