
Boss actually scoffed at a vacation I requested for.

Work for this mid level type company where there is a lot of busy work that could easily be handled over the course of a day rather than a week and my job is to make sure certain numbers add up, excel is my best friend. I recently decided that I was going to take a vacation for a week and didn’t know where to go, was talking to my coworkers about it and my boss overheard. A while later she comes to me and asked where I was going, as if it’s any of her business, and was deciding between a beach or some type of fun activity at Orlando. She had the audacity to say “since your indecisive do you really ‘need’ to go on a vacation, there is a lot of work here for you to do and not slack around”. For the first time in my…

Work for this mid level type company where there is a lot of busy work that could easily be handled over the course of a day rather than a week and my job is to make sure certain numbers add up, excel is my best friend. I recently decided that I was going to take a vacation for a week and didn’t know where to go, was talking to my coworkers about it and my boss overheard. A while later she comes to me and asked where I was going, as if it’s any of her business, and was deciding between a beach or some type of fun activity at Orlando. She had the audacity to say “since your indecisive do you really ‘need’ to go on a vacation, there is a lot of work here for you to do and not slack around”. For the first time in my life I actually got a head rush of anger and confusion at the same time. She is a boomer of course and I was so thrown off that I just stood there in complete silence for a full minute and just nodded and she did that shrug then Walked off. I hate working for a generation that acts work is all there is, I get paid decent but god damn that makes me angry, I’m still fuming as I type this.

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