
Boss and HR being petty toward my request.

Requested my boss for a day off a week and 4 days in advance. My text was left on read, and when the schedule was made/posted with me on the day I requested off I was told to contact HR if I have an issue. Contacted 2 HR people and they left me both on read. For context I put in my 2 weeks notice before the request so I wonder if they are just being weird since all the other times I was accommodated. I still intend to call off that day since its actually a serious family matter, but given the circumstances I wonder how would yall react or call off on said day?

Requested my boss for a day off a week and 4 days in advance. My text was left on read, and when the schedule was made/posted with me on the day I requested off I was told to contact HR if I have an issue. Contacted 2 HR people and they left me both on read. For context I put in my 2 weeks notice before the request so I wonder if they are just being weird since all the other times I was accommodated. I still intend to call off that day since its actually a serious family matter, but given the circumstances I wonder how would yall react or call off on said day?

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