
Boss comments on my appearance and regularly tells how unprofessional I am.

I will start by giving you my back story and then tell you the work drama. I am a career massage therapist, health coach and herbalist. I have studied with some really amazing holistic practitioners. For the last 18 months I have been trying to start up my own business. Since my partners industry has collapsed (glassblowing) I decided to get a massage therapy job where I can earn alot of money with out working 40 hours a week. I decided to start working with my friend at a spa. I went to the spa for an interview got the job, the lady told me what is expected of me and how she runs her business. Ok cool I comply with the dress code which is wearing all black and have hair pulled back. I don't wear make up, I'm kind of chubby and maybe a 4/10 on the attractive…

I will start by giving you my back story and then tell you the work drama.
I am a career massage therapist, health coach and herbalist. I have studied with some really amazing holistic practitioners. For the last 18 months I have been trying to start up my own business. Since my partners industry has collapsed (glassblowing) I decided to get a massage therapy job where I can earn alot of money with out working 40 hours a week. I decided to start working with my friend at a spa. I went to the spa for an interview got the job, the lady told me what is expected of me and how she runs her business. Ok cool I comply with the dress code which is wearing all black and have hair pulled back. I don't wear make up, I'm kind of chubby and maybe a 4/10 on the attractive scale. At work I wore work out cloths (all black) and she never said anything to me about that.
She told me that I have to fold my sheets before walking in the door… sorry but I think that's fucking ridiculous. I typically fold my sheets when I am setting up for the day. I was told that when we move to the new location that we will have a washer and dryer in the spa. That was a lie. I told the lady that it costs alot of money to take my linens twice a week to a laundry place where they wash, dry and fold.
The owner is a bitter woman in her 60s. She is also the lead aesthetician and seems to be the town gossip. She talks shit about everyone behind their backs. That is a huge pet peeve of mine especially in the work place. I have had several clients that refuse to see her or have quit seeing me at the spa because they think she is mean. Fast forwarded to last Friday. I walk into work and the first thing I hear is “you look like SHIT! go clean your self up”. I had lint on my pants and hadn't put ny hair up yet. Like I said I'm not the most attractive person so not only did that hurt my feelings and piss me off it embarrassed me because she said that infront of other people. The next day I was so upset that I shot her a text saying that I wanted to talk to her. This morning she called me and said that it's her birthday week and she doesn't want be bothered by wondering what I meant when I said I needed to talk to her. I told her that she embarrassed me by saying that infront of other people. She justified it by saying that I come into work with my sheets wadded up and looking unprofessional… i told her that when she made that comment it ruined my day and I wasnt able to be my to be my best self. She said that I set the mood for the spa when I come in looking like shit. I told her I felt as if she's pushing me out the door and she flipped her shit. I'm not sure what she said because I was raising my voice telling her that she's a mean high school girl and that I don't play these petty games. Blah blah blah I said more stuff that I can't remember. Basically she's unapologetic because I look like trash…..

I just needed to vent.

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