
Boss expected me to cancel a 3-day trip out of state last minute with zero financial compensation

My wife and I had been wanting to go on a big trip for Mardi Gras since we had started dating (we aren't Catholic, just like to party lol). After we both got decent jobs (at the same location, no less), we were able to save up and put money into this trip at last. I informed my ASM and the newly hired SM about this trip well in advance and neither had a problem with it, and SM tells me they will talk to DM about getting coverage for the trip. Well, a few days before the trip, ASM quits, and my SM finally brings up our trip to DM AFTER ASM quits, and DM tells SM “we will just have to be understanding of the situation and cancel our trip.” SM doesn't tell me this until the night before we're set to leave. Evidently they don't have enough…

My wife and I had been wanting to go on a big trip for Mardi Gras since we had started dating (we aren't Catholic, just like to party lol). After we both got decent jobs (at the same location, no less), we were able to save up and put money into this trip at last. I informed my ASM and the newly hired SM about this trip well in advance and neither had a problem with it, and SM tells me they will talk to DM about getting coverage for the trip. Well, a few days before the trip, ASM quits, and my SM finally brings up our trip to DM AFTER ASM quits, and DM tells SM “we will just have to be understanding of the situation and cancel our trip.” SM doesn't tell me this until the night before we're set to leave. Evidently they don't have enough coverage from other stores to cover our shifts, but despite this they would give us zero compensation for canceling our trip, and we would be losing all the money we had already put into it (we had booked an upscale hotel ahead of time and it was too late to get that money back). My wife and I had already been contemplating getting another job at this point, but I was holding on for the chance at a promotion and a pay raise. After that, though, no amount of money is worth the complete disregard for our lives, expecting us to just brush it aside to prioritize work. We both submitted our resignations immediately and went on that trip, and yes, it was a lot of fun currently looking for new jobs that will pay better and have more respect for our time.

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