
Boss expects me to be available 24/7

I've been working in this company for over 3 years, basic 9-5 office job. Absolutely NOTHING that requires overtime availability. It was a good gig, but then my old boss quit and a new one came in. And the new boss… has a lot of problems with my work boundaries. For starters, I always used to leave my office at 5:15 to 5:20. The new boss has a problem with that and has pulled me aside a few times to talk about it. While I politely disagreed, given the situation of our team I sucked it up and stayed back for a month. And boy, was leaving tough. I would start packing up at 7 PM, and then just as I was about to step out of the office doors, bags and all, he would suddenly remember 'something I had to do' and call me back in and make me…

I've been working in this company for over 3 years, basic 9-5 office job. Absolutely NOTHING that requires overtime availability. It was a good gig, but then my old boss quit and a new one came in.

And the new boss… has a lot of problems with my work boundaries.

For starters, I always used to leave my office at 5:15 to 5:20. The new boss has a problem with that and has pulled me aside a few times to talk about it. While I politely disagreed, given the situation of our team I sucked it up and stayed back for a month. And boy, was leaving tough. I would start packing up at 7 PM, and then just as I was about to step out of the office doors, bags and all, he would suddenly remember 'something I had to do' and call me back in and make me stay at least half an hour later. Even though I always do everything that needs to be done on time.

He often calls me after I get home to ask me about some silly task or the other. Even though I told him several times I only take work calls during working hours. He has called me even on my leaves, when I didn't have my laptop on me or was unable to work for whatever reason (you know, the exact definition of a leave).

And then the real problem. I was severely ill and on sick leave- my situation was awful. I couldn't even sit up for more than 10 minutes at a time, and I couldn't look at any screens. My phone was on silent in another room. A couple of days later, when I was feeling better, I saw the missed calls and texted him. He was very angry and threatened to make a written complaint on me for misbehaviour.

He knew exactly what my situation was, yet he insists on my constant availability and constant extending of work hours even when I am sick. And I'm honestly sick of re-enforcing my boundaries over and over to some dude who just keeps on trampling on them.

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