
Boss Forgot About My Raise

Hi everyone! I need some advice, but I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this. Apologies in advance if not! Back in December, my boss said I would be getting a raise starting January. Our paychecks are 2 weeks behind, and, come January, my paychecks are the same. I wanted to give it some time since I was still getting paid for December during part of January. I also wanted to be patient because I know these things take time to go through (and I work at a huge company with tens of thousands of employees). Anyway, it is now the middle of February and still nothing. I'm assuming I've been patient enough and it should have gone through by now… so I believe he forgot about it. I should also say that my boss isn't a “bad guy” — he's understanding, does what he says…

Hi everyone! I need some advice, but I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this. Apologies in advance if not!

Back in December, my boss said I would be getting a raise starting January. Our paychecks are 2 weeks behind, and, come January, my paychecks are the same. I wanted to give it some time since I was still getting paid for December during part of January. I also wanted to be patient because I know these things take time to go through (and I work at a huge company with tens of thousands of employees). Anyway, it is now the middle of February and still nothing.

I'm assuming I've been patient enough and it should have gone through by now… so I believe he forgot about it. I should also say that my boss isn't a “bad guy” — he's understanding, does what he says he will, etc. Basically, we've never had any issues. I know he's busy and it more than likely just slipped his mind. I also know I shouldn't have waited this long to say something… but here we are nonetheless.

My question is how do I bring this up to him in a respectful manner? I've never had to do this before and I'm nervous haha. I also feel like because we've hit a lull in our work activities and I haven't been “doing as much”, I don't necessarily “deserve” the raise at the moment — which makes me even more nervous to ask about it lol. Anyway, any and all advice is much appreciated so thank you in advance!!

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