
Boss gets anxious and yells at us.

Do you ever deal with a boss / owner of the company yelling at you? I have bad anxiety and just shut down when he yells at us and belittles us when it doesn't go his way. I am an e-commerce manager for this company and always getting micromanaged by him. my coworker just kisses his ass all the time, so he agrees to everything he says even if its going to effect the business. I really wish I can just take two weeks off from this company to heal.

Do you ever deal with a boss / owner of the company yelling at you?

I have bad anxiety and just shut down when he yells at us and belittles us when it doesn't go his way.

I am an e-commerce manager for this company and always getting micromanaged by him. my coworker just kisses his ass all the time, so he agrees to everything he says even if its going to effect the business.

I really wish I can just take two weeks off from this company to heal.

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