
Boss ghosting me over a raise

i haver been working at a car dealership as an auto detailer for just over a year now, and prior to that I was working for a seperate company doing all of this dealerships detailing through them for around 2 years, for a total of 3 years doing work for this company. In the first job I was a part of a team of 3 guys that would detail these vehicles. The owner of the first business eventually decided to go in a different direction, leaving us 3 jobless. A week later I get a call from management at the dealership to work for them internally. I jumped on this assuming the other 2 would also be called, however since then it's only been me. Minimum wage has been raised $2 since I started with them, putting my wage a little over $1 over the minimum, along with the crazy…

i haver been working at a car dealership as an auto detailer for just over a year now, and prior to that I was working for a seperate company doing all of this dealerships detailing through them for around 2 years, for a total of 3 years doing work for this company.

In the first job I was a part of a team of 3 guys that would detail these vehicles.
The owner of the first business eventually decided to go in a different direction, leaving us 3 jobless.

A week later I get a call from management at the dealership to work for them internally. I jumped on this assuming the other 2 would also be called, however since then it's only been me.

Minimum wage has been raised $2 since I started with them, putting my wage a little over $1 over the minimum, along with the crazy cost of living increases happening right now.

I asked for $2 raise to adjust to this, along eith the fact I've been maintaining the entire dealerships inventory by myself.

Our system requires me to go to the Lot Manager, who then goes to the Service Manager, who will finally go to the General Manager.

Both the lot manager & service manager felt I deserved it, but when the service manager brought it to the GM, he just said “I'll deal with it”.

This was about 2 weeks ago & I (or lot manager & service manager) haven't heard anything since.
GM works in a seperate building and comes and goes as he pleases, so it would be very difficult to try and talk to him myself.

Guess I could just find something else, which sucks cause I love working with everyone here.
Lost on what to do going forward.

TLDR: I do all the auto detailing work for a dealership, asked for a raise to adjust for cost of living, and just general performance.
General Manager started ghosting me & lower management.

Common sense says to find something else, so just a rant I guess.

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