
Boss giving me the run around for grad school reference letter

Yup. I’m fucked. I worked for this person for a year doing work way above my pay grade and qualifications all because we had an agreement that I would get a recommendation letter for grad school. Fast forward loss of great employees throughout the year, no one wanting to work for the low wages, and hearing “ my employees are like my family” and here I am. Applications are due tonight, no response from my boss, and I’m expected to work at the location that’s over half an hour away in a few days. Will update, but as far as my thoughts: I am quitting if there’s no letter submitted by 7 pm, wether or not I’m going to turn in a 2 weeks notice depends on my boss’s actions from now till then.

Yup. I’m fucked. I worked for this person for a year doing work way above my pay grade and qualifications all because we had an agreement that I would get a recommendation letter for grad school. Fast forward loss of great employees throughout the year, no one wanting to work for the low wages, and hearing “ my employees are like my family” and here I am. Applications are due tonight, no response from my boss, and I’m expected to work at the location that’s over half an hour away in a few days. Will update, but as far as my thoughts: I am quitting if there’s no letter submitted by 7 pm, wether or not I’m going to turn in a 2 weeks notice depends on my boss’s actions from now till then.

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