
Boss going back on raise that was supposed to start at the beginning of the year.

Fuck my motherfucking job man. My boss has told me since the beginning of November that I would have a raise from $10 an hour to $12, and now that it time for that raise he doesn’t want to do it yet. I’ve also been getting hours cut and have had some suspicions with how much I’m getting paid as well. There are many management issues and a lot of the time I’m left with only one other employee to manage an entire restaurant. Business been very slow recently, he told me he is going to give me a raise when we start to get busy again but I honestly don’t believe it. This isn’t the first time I’ve had problems with my pay at this location also. There have been times where it seems like my paycheck is at least $50 less than it should be and some of…

Fuck my motherfucking job man. My boss has told me since the beginning of November that I would have a raise from $10 an hour to $12, and now that it time for that raise he doesn’t want to do it yet.

I’ve also been getting hours cut and have had some suspicions with how much I’m getting paid as well. There are many management issues and a lot of the time I’m left with only one other employee to manage an entire restaurant.

Business been very slow recently, he told me he is going to give me a raise when we start to get busy again but I honestly don’t believe it. This isn’t the first time I’ve had problems with my pay at this location also. There have been times where it seems like my paycheck is at least $50 less than it should be and some of my hours were also left out of my paycheck as well on one occasion .

I’m getting real tired of this job. I’m also beyond pissed, I was going to try to find another job last year because I need to make a little more money, and the only reason I stayed was because the possibility of a raise. I feel like I’ve waisted two months of my time for nothing.

Is there anything else I can do to get the raise I was supposed to get? I’ve tried talking about it but each time I talk to them about it, they say just give it a little more time. I might honestly just put my two weeks in and find something else because I don’t have the patients anymore to deal with this crap.

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