
Boss has a favorite most believe is quid pro quo sexual favors for easier work

So there is this employee well call b and this person just sucks has a bad attitude no respect and can not keep up (I work in a factory with a piece rate) so when you're slow we all lose money….we are also a union shop and there is just ongoing concerns about how well b is treated by my immediate supervisor. Since we are a union seniority matters been there longer job preference and shift preference but it goes further there are jobs we do that are easier and jobs that are harder it seems b who hadn't been there as long as most of us gets the easier jobs. I've said something to my union steward but that's another thing if your not tight with them they won't help you. This is vague but I have to be careful. I'm ao done tho my motivation and drive is…

So there is this employee well call b and this person just sucks has a bad attitude no respect and can not keep up (I work in a factory with a piece rate) so when you're slow we all lose money….we are also a union shop and there is just ongoing concerns about how well b is treated by my immediate supervisor.
Since we are a union seniority matters been there longer job preference and shift preference but it goes further there are jobs we do that are easier and jobs that are harder it seems b who hadn't been there as long as most of us gets the easier jobs.
I've said something to my union steward but that's another thing if your not tight with them they won't help you.
This is vague but I have to be careful. I'm ao done tho my motivation and drive is gone i hate this fucking job!!

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