
boss has been watching me on cameras and it’s led to a breaking point.

how do i report my boss for watching me on camera? needing some help on a current situation in my workplace. for background knowledge: this is directly following an incident where my boss tried to have me force another employee to work a closing shift when she was not scheduled to. today, i get a text from my boss while having a conversation with the aforementioned employee about something totally unrelated to the situation. The text read: “All good ?. Hoping that conversation stays between you and I”. she was in her office across the building and i was in mine, so there’s no way she would have known we were talking unless she was was eavesdropping through the cameras. my boss is is extremely micromanag-y and likes to have camera feeds going on her laptop throughout the day so she can see everything at all times, and while there’s…

how do i report my boss for watching me on camera?

needing some help on a current situation in my workplace. for background knowledge: this is directly following an incident where my boss tried to have me force another employee to work a closing shift when she was not scheduled to.

today, i get a text from my boss while having a conversation with the aforementioned employee about something totally unrelated to the situation. The text read: “All good ?. Hoping that conversation stays between you and I”. she was in her office across the building and i was in mine, so there’s no way she would have known we were talking unless she was was eavesdropping through the cameras. my boss is is extremely micromanag-y and likes to have camera feeds going on her laptop throughout the day so she can see everything at all times, and while there’s nothing inherently wrong about it, I have been told by two different employees that they have caught her watching me on camera for no necessary reason; one incident was recalled to me that i was literally walking from the back building to the break room.

seeing this text made me extremely uncomfortable and I know that she said this to make sure it wouldn’t get out that she was about to do something unfair to the other employee, but I now feel like this needs to be reported. I know there’s not really a way to prove that she’s been watching me on cameras and hearsay isn’t sufficient, but will this suffice? I’m not sure where to go and this is a boiling point in a very toxic environment.

TDLR – boss watches me on camera and I need to report it.

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