
Boss is always trying to fire people

I've worked for good managers. I've worked for bad managers. I've never worked for one who seems to be looking for a reason to fire someone. A few months ago, my licensure lapsed and I couldn't work for a few shifts. This is during a time when literally my entire life was falling apart; I'd lost all my money to a year-long custody battle, I lost my apartment, they cut me back to part-time, and I lost my disability. All while going to school full-time. My manager calls me in the middle of class (he had a copy of my school schedule, so he knew I was in class) and tells me that I'm letting the team down and that I don't seem to care about the job. That was the beginning of October. A few weeks later, he forces me to sign a contract promising I won't miss any…

I've worked for good managers. I've worked for bad managers. I've never worked for one who seems to be looking for a reason to fire someone.

A few months ago, my licensure lapsed and I couldn't work for a few shifts. This is during a time when literally my entire life was falling apart; I'd lost all my money to a year-long custody battle, I lost my apartment, they cut me back to part-time, and I lost my disability. All while going to school full-time. My manager calls me in the middle of class (he had a copy of my school schedule, so he knew I was in class) and tells me that I'm letting the team down and that I don't seem to care about the job.

That was the beginning of October. A few weeks later, he forces me to sign a contract promising I won't miss any work. I've been working through a sprained ankle (it might actually be broken), strep throat, pneumonia, and a concussion. So because my life fell apart, I now have to go in and work with ill patients while I have influenza regardless of the circumstances because I don't think anyone will have my back.

I'm going to go in and probably fall down now. Of course, passing out is probably a fireable offense, too.

I hate people with a Napoleon Complex.

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