
Boss is being unprofessional; ignoring emails and refusing to run payroll

I’m a children’s therapist. I won’t disclose my direct occupation but basically we bill their insurance for their services, and our boss runs payroll out of the payout that the insurance gives the company for our services. Any indirect hours (non-service hours like sending emails or discussing treatment with parents) are paid at a lesser rate as it is not being covered by the payout. I recently have been dealing with a lot of external stressors such as moving, family problems, severe illness, car problems, financial issues, and graduate school. I let my boss know ahead of time this was going on to cover my ass in case something happened suddenly. I fell asleep at work the other day for about 15 minutes while my client was playing. Now, I know this isn’t the best look, but I notified my boss that my insomnia was causing me to have a…

I’m a children’s therapist. I won’t disclose my direct occupation but basically we bill their insurance for their services, and our boss runs payroll out of the payout that the insurance gives the company for our services. Any indirect hours (non-service hours like sending emails or discussing treatment with parents) are paid at a lesser rate as it is not being covered by the payout.

I recently have been dealing with a lot of external stressors such as moving, family problems, severe illness, car problems, financial issues, and graduate school. I let my boss know ahead of time this was going on to cover my ass in case something happened suddenly.

I fell asleep at work the other day for about 15 minutes while my client was playing. Now, I know this isn’t the best look, but I notified my boss that my insomnia was causing me to have a hard time at work, and due to late classes I would need Monday and Tuesday afternoons off.

She approved despite her disappointment and said she would need to write an incident report.

The following week, the schedule did not reflect our discussed changes. I texted her and she ignored my message, then sent me the revised schedule with no attached text.

Now fast forward to this week, the same problem happens. I email her immediately after she sends it out (3 minutes after) and she does not reply. I text her. No reply. She always sends the schedule on Sunday, abandons her phone and computer, then complains it’s hard to change the schedule the day of.

On top of this, she has been being incredibly passive aggressive and refusing to run payroll because she has a cold. It’s been over three weeks since I’ve been paid and I have no money to even get gas to make it to work today. I was in the hospital end of last month for two weeks on oxygen with a blood infection. My boss didn’t give me any sick time, no pay at all. And, my fiancé was fired for taking leave when I was in the hospital. No income, plus big city rent and bills. Even my supervisor has discussed the payroll issue with her and her excuse is that she “doesn’t feel good”

Sorry, I had to come in a day after almost dying from a blood infection with my Blood Oxygen at 70 and you can’t run payroll because you have a cold?

Oh have I mentioned, she comes in once a week if that?

What do I do? I feel so stuck.

Currently in the process of getting hired at a new company far, far away…

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