
Boss is making me use PTO

I work for an engineering firm and have been here for over a year. There are slow times and there are busy times. I have proven myself useful and make out company a good chunk of change when we are busy, but when it is slow and there isn’t much to do we find ways to allocate our time under the cost called OH (assuming that means overhead). Recently, my boss has been pushing me to use my PTO instead. Recently, while we had nothing to do, I asked to work from home and was then informed I would need to use my PTO for the hours I was not in the office. Frequently, on Fridays, most people are out of the office by 2-3. My typical workday is anywhere from 9-6 so generally by 5 it is a ghost town and I head home. I have now been informed…

I work for an engineering firm and have been here for over a year. There are slow times and there are busy times. I have proven myself useful and make out company a good chunk of change when we are busy, but when it is slow and there isn’t much to do we find ways to allocate our time under the cost called OH (assuming that means overhead). Recently, my boss has been pushing me to use my PTO instead. Recently, while we had nothing to do, I asked to work from home and was then informed I would need to use my PTO for the hours I was not in the office. Frequently, on Fridays, most people are out of the office by 2-3. My typical workday is anywhere from 9-6 so generally by 5 it is a ghost town and I head home. I have now been informed that if I leave early I need to use up PTO or remain in the office…….am I being crazy here or does this feel a little targeted? Starting to feel a bit abusive tbh and I’m not sure what to do. Power trip maybe? Or maybe my boss is getting yelled at by higher ups? I just do not understand why I am being singled out.

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