
Boss is punishing me for being chronically ill

So since I got hired about 8 or 9 months ago, things have been okay. That is, until yesterday. About a week ago or so I talked to my boss and asked that she stop consistently scheduling me 6 days in a row because due to having a chronic illness, my body cannot handle that workload. I come into work yesterday to check the new schedule and noticed that I had been cut down to about 28 hours a week. My boss told me that because of my “inflexibility”, her “hands were tied”. And that until I agree to go back to working 6 day weeks, my hours will continue to be cut like this. All I asked for was a normal 5 on, 2 off schedule. I'm not trying to get out of work. I have a chronic illness, which I made very clear when I was hired on.…

So since I got hired about 8 or 9 months ago, things have been okay. That is, until yesterday. About a week ago or so I talked to my boss and asked that she stop consistently scheduling me 6 days in a row because due to having a chronic illness, my body cannot handle that workload. I come into work yesterday to check the new schedule and noticed that I had been cut down to about 28 hours a week. My boss told me that because of my “inflexibility”, her “hands were tied”. And that until I agree to go back to working 6 day weeks, my hours will continue to be cut like this. All I asked for was a normal 5 on, 2 off schedule. I'm not trying to get out of work. I have a chronic illness, which I made very clear when I was hired on.

Also, she's pissed because recently she offered me a promotion, which I turned down because I didn't like the idea of constantly being on call. However, the two other assistant managers that we had are now gone. One retired and the other one was overworked to the point where he developed an addiction to stimulants just to keep up with it and his parents put him in rehab. He was getting called in on pretty much every day off he had and he wasn't allowed to say no because of his status as assistant manager. So that means, since I turned down the promotion, my boss has to come in every single day to do managerial paperwork. And I know that she only offered me this promotion to lessen her own workload. So I am feeling very retaliated against.

She has a history of being ableist. We had one girl who was an assistant manager that transferred from a different store and she was pregnant. A high risk pregnancy in fact. So she wasnt able to do things that required heavy lifting. So my boss basically bullied her about it until she quit.

I have some options. I could call HR, which realistically won't go anywhere. I could transfer to a different store but the district manager isn't allowing transfers until we hire more people. Or I could find a new job. But I don't want to have to find a new job. So what can I do?

For context, I have fibromyalgia.

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