
Boss is rounding my minutes up or down to their benefit. Is this legal?

Company has a clock in system that will round your checked in time up to 8 minutes forwards or back. If you’re supposed to clock in at 815, but you clock in at 8:08 they round your clock in time to 8:15. If you’re supposed to clock out at 5:15 but you clock out at 5:08, it will round to 5:15 but you’ll get a warning. If you clock in late by 5:22 it will round your time back to 515 and youll also receive a warning. Whats the point of this system? Why not just keep track exactly time in and time out without rounding anything?

Company has a clock in system that will round your checked in time up to 8 minutes forwards or back. If you’re supposed to clock in at 815, but you clock in at 8:08 they round your clock in time to 8:15. If you’re supposed to clock out at 5:15 but you clock out at 5:08, it will round to 5:15 but you’ll get a warning.
If you clock in late by 5:22 it will round your time back to 515 and youll also receive a warning. Whats the point of this system? Why not just keep track exactly time in and time out without rounding anything?

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