
Boss is secretly recording audio in a 2 party consenting state. 99.9% sure it’s illegal here

As the title says. I work in Massachusetts, found out recently by accident that the owner of this store is recording audio on the cameras. It’s a place that takes people’s social security numbers and lots of personal info. There are signs on the door that say security cameras in use but nothing about audio. I’m 99.9% recording audio in an establishment without people’s consent is completely illegal. Any thoughts on this and what actions can be taken? Maybe some malicious compliance that wouldn’t annoy the customers? I’m open to all ideas thank you

As the title says. I work in Massachusetts, found out recently by accident that the owner of this store is recording audio on the cameras. It’s a place that takes people’s social security numbers and lots of personal info. There are signs on the door that say security cameras in use but nothing about audio. I’m 99.9% recording audio in an establishment without people’s consent is completely illegal. Any thoughts on this and what actions can be taken? Maybe some malicious compliance that wouldn’t annoy the customers? I’m open to all ideas thank you

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