
Boss is trying to make me install spyware on my personal laptop

I'm a remote freelancer and I bill my employer hourly. I've been working there now for 3 years and there has never been an issue with this. However recently, he insisted that everyone has to use Time Doctor which is a keylogger and spyware. It tracks your website history, has the ability to take photos of you from your webcam without your knowledge, gives your employer the ability to take screenshots of your laptop without your permission or knowledge and tracks your movements. This is my personal laptop. I do all my private banking and messaging on here. This was a firm and hard no. He now insists that I send a log of my hours each month to him, even though my invoice details all the work I've done including a list of clients and key items I've worked on. I checked my contract and it says nothing about…

I'm a remote freelancer and I bill my employer hourly. I've been working there now for 3 years and there has never been an issue with this.

However recently, he insisted that everyone has to use Time Doctor which is a keylogger and spyware.

It tracks your website history, has the ability to take photos of you from your webcam without your knowledge, gives your employer the ability to take screenshots of your laptop without your permission or knowledge and tracks your movements.

This is my personal laptop. I do all my private banking and messaging on here. This was a firm and hard no.

He now insists that I send a log of my hours each month to him, even though my invoice details all the work I've done including a list of clients and key items I've worked on.

I checked my contract and it says nothing about time logging my hours anywhere on it.

Since I freelance, does he even have any right to ask me to log my hours when I'm not on a salary and I'm technically an independent contractor?

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