
Boss lied to me at the interview and wouldn’t give me my contract for three months

So three months ago I got my first job in the industry I trained in. This is in a new town where I don’t know anyone apart from my bf who I live with. At the interview my boss told me I would get 30 hours a week with minimum wage and that I’d get a pay rise within a month or two. At first I wasn’t getting as many hours as I had been told I would but I understood why as the shop wouldn’t be as busy over the holidays as people from our town usually went away over those few weeks. I was also surprised to realise everyone else had a room but me. I can only work when someone else is not so I can use their room. It has now been 4 months and I have had no pay rise and I am barely doing…

So three months ago I got my first job in the industry I trained in. This is in a new town where I don’t know anyone apart from my bf who I live with. At the interview my boss told me I would get 30 hours a week with minimum wage and that I’d get a pay rise within a month or two.

At first I wasn’t getting as many hours as I had been told I would but I understood why as the shop wouldn’t be as busy over the holidays as people from our town usually went away over those few weeks. I was also surprised to realise everyone else had a room but me. I can only work when someone else is not so I can use their room.

It has now been 4 months and I have had no pay rise and I am barely doing 10 hours per week which is not what I was told I would get. I am making barely 200 dollars when I have rent to pay and I can barely afford to feed myself. I mentioned this to my boss a two weeks ago and my boss said it’s because I’m not advertising enough and I’m not bringing enough of my own clients in.

I already advertise on my social media and I explained it is hard for me to get people in that I know because I don’t know many people in our town. She told me she expects me to go and hand out pamphlets for HER business to other businesses in town in my own time with no pay. I also asked her how I would be able to get my hours up when there is no room for me and I can only work when she or someone else isn’t there.

She just told me that it’s my fault I can’t get enough clients in. How can I book more clients in when I’m not at work half the week cause there’s no room for me? She only just gave me my contract that day three months after I had started working there. And in it says I am only guaranteed 8 hours per week. How am I supposed to live on that?

I feel like she put off giving it to me for so long because she knew I wouldn’t be happy with 8 hours a week. It annoys me that she lied to me at the interview and won’t own up to it. I am looking for something else at the moment and I’m not signing the contract so if I get something else tomorrow I can just quit and I don’t have to give any notice. I don’t understand why she hired another staff member when she doesn’t have the room.

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