
Boss loses something, blames it on me, then doesn’t apologize when I found where she left it

I work in a large department store in a big city. My job is customer service, which is on the bottom floor. When people want to do same day pickups, we have a “picking” team that comes in prior to the store opening at around 8 AM, and they leave at 3:30 PM.They have to collect, bag, and label the items that people want, and put them away in bins for me and my coworkers to give to customers later. This means that the picking team must fulfill every order after 3:30 PM from the day before– AND every order up to date until they leave again in the afternoon. Currently we are severely understaffed (because they raised a bunch of people's pay only to cut it significantly after a month or so for the holidays) so I've been taking shifts for people in the Women's department, Junior's department, Men's……

    I work in a large department store in a big city. My job is customer service, which is on the bottom floor. 

    When people want to do same day pickups, we have a "picking" team that comes in prior to the store opening at around 8 AM, and they leave at 3:30 PM.They have to collect, bag, and label the items that people want, and put them away in bins for me and my coworkers to give to customers later. This means that the picking team must fulfill every order after 3:30 PM from the day before-- AND every order up to date until they leave again in the afternoon. 

    Currently we are severely understaffed (because they raised a bunch of people's pay only to cut it significantly after a month or so for the holidays) so I've been taking shifts for people in the Women's department, Junior's department, Men's... etc. on top of my regular shifts. Money is money so I don't mind. And mind you all these departments are on the same floor that I work on. 

    Yesterday my one of my bosses (a store manager who I'm just going to call Jenny) told me that they desperately need people to help with picking. That day there was only Jenny and one of my coworkers. Jenny told me to go do it so I went to start doing picks (I'd only ever done them once-- when I first started almost a year ago). They had already done a lot of them but they were running out of time on a few that were due soon so I went to go help with those. 

    I finished the picks on the bottom floor so I took the stairs up and started working on the picks that were in children's shoes. I'm not as familiar with the top floor as I am the bottom floor so I had a hard time finding certain items. While I'm looking for a certain pair of girl's shoes, Jenny walks up to me and says "(My name)? What are you looking for?" I show her the picture on my picking device and she says "Stay here." She comes back about a minute later with the shoes. I say thank you but I guess she was mad because she started scolding me saying, "You shouldn't be doing picks if you're going to be this slow. Now we're late on so many picks!!"

      I was so mad. You literally asked for me to do picks for you. You could have asked someone upstairs to help you. On top of that, in between picks I was being called downstairs multiple times over my radio because my coworker was the only one working the customer service desk at this time and she needed help with the line. Not only that but I started helping with picks at 1 PM and she was yelling at me at around 2 PM. I wanted to tear my hair out from walking up and down the stairs so many times. 

     When all the picks are done, boss calls me to the back and asks me where the shoes she gave me are. I tell her she didn't give me the shoes and she just snarls at me "(My name again)!" I tell her I swear she didn't give it to me and I'd just go downstairs to get another one. I exit the back room and see she left them on the customer service counter with a few other items. I brought it all into the back and told her where I found it and she just said oh and took it from me. 

    I work to sell my labor, not my dignity. I want to quit so bad. I feel like this boss in particular has something against me. Everyone else is fantastic and I enjoy the environment it's really just this one boss who keeps targeting me.

TLDR; One of my bosses asks me to help her understaffed team, gets mad at me for being slow at collecting items in a part of the store I've never worked in, blames me for losing something that was never lost and doesn't apologize.

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