
boss made me cry- Good thing for a change.

So with all the “my company/boss sucks” posts I want to share what happened a few weeks ago. I have a coworker who I get along with outside of work, in part because we are both dealing with similar home issues. I called my coworker as it happened, but my parent was being sent to the ER for a possible stroke (again.. it's been scary). I had to wait for a sibling to come down for multiple reasons before I could head out. She was trying to convince me to tell our boss. We were the only 2 people working that day. Everyone else was off (week between Xmas and new years). Our boss logged in for a quick second to tell us something. Haven't really known her too long as they are a recent transplant to our team. Asked her to call. Me: this is what is going on…

So with all the “my company/boss sucks” posts I want to share what happened a few weeks ago.

I have a coworker who I get along with outside of work, in part because we are both dealing with similar home issues.

I called my coworker as it happened, but my parent was being sent to the ER for a possible stroke (again.. it's been scary). I had to wait for a sibling to come down for multiple reasons before I could head out. She was trying to convince me to tell our boss.

We were the only 2 people working that day. Everyone else was off (week between Xmas and new years).

Our boss logged in for a quick second to tell us something. Haven't really known her too long as they are a recent transplant to our team. Asked her to call.

Me: this is what is going on

Boss: are you ok? What can I do?

Me: I'm sorry but I have to leave soon. I don't know if I'll be in tomorrow. I feel bad because it's only X and me working today.

Boss: don't worry. Log out now. Don't even bother with an out of office. Go take care of your family. We are not curing cancer here. Everyone can wait.

A little bit later I head out. She sends me a text roughly 5 hours after the conversation making sure my sibling and I were OK. Told me not to worry about work etc.

The next day she did the same thing- checked in and made sure we were OK.

And the best part?
It was genuine concern. Not that “fix your life and come back to work”… nope, really genuine.

Just wanted to give a shout out to the good bosses out there like this one.

Edit: Also shout out to the coworker. She called and checked on us, covered me for a few hours that day etc.
It's just nice to know there are GENUINE good people out there still.

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