
Boss makes job hell

I really like my job, although it's not the best paying, and I'm still struggling financially, its a good job, workwise. I work in shipping for a small business, so I manage online sales. This month I hit my 1 year of working here, but because of my boss, I've been wanting to quit since I started. There's plenty of horror stories I can tell in the long year I've worked here, but yesterday felt like the last straw, if I didn't need the money I would've quit. I get into work and as soon as I walk into my shipping station, all the supplies are moved around and or missing, boxes are mislabeled and not organized properly, and most orders are very sloppily boxed and labeled in the outgoing bag. I start to fix these issues, and get a text saying that I've been too slow at shipping and…

I really like my job, although it's not the best paying, and I'm still struggling financially, its a good job, workwise. I work in shipping for a small business, so I manage online sales. This month I hit my 1 year of working here, but because of my boss, I've been wanting to quit since I started. There's plenty of horror stories I can tell in the long year I've worked here, but yesterday felt like the last straw, if I didn't need the money I would've quit.

I get into work and as soon as I walk into my shipping station, all the supplies are moved around and or missing, boxes are mislabeled and not organized properly, and most orders are very sloppily boxed and labeled in the outgoing bag. I start to fix these issues, and get a text saying that I've been too slow at shipping and inventory needs to be done and we need “all hands on deck” with inventory.

Although this sounds like it's just a normal ask for a job; my boss is usually in charge of inventory but mid last year the secretary got fed up with the low wages and high workload that she quit. And when she quit, everyone got her responsibilities and our bosses responsibilities. My coworkers and I sometimes see what our boss is up to and they're usually posting pictures of their dog on Instagram, sitting outside, or making a to- do list of things that we've already done. All while they're supposed to do inventory, but when the secretary left, they stopped updating the inventory charts, so everything is off and causing numerous problems.

Reluctantly, after being told that my job only takes an hour and seeing my boss destory my workspace I began inventory. My boss worked on shipping all day long, taking longer than I ever do, making a mess, and shipping items with the wrong services. Usually at the end of the day, I'll carry my boxes to the post office and that's that. But my boss decided to send a few heavy oversized boxes with USPS instead of UPS or FedEx. The second we hit the cutoff time for shipping, my boss walks in, and interrupts my inventory count, just to tell me I need to take the mail to the post office. I said, “why can't you take it? I'm doing inventory all day just like you asked, you said you'd take care of shipping” and they responded “just take it before you go home it's not that hard!” And stomped off, shortly after going home.

This morning they texted me “there isn't much shipping work for you today, when done you WILL continue inventory” while they decided to take the day off.

To make matters even worse, I found out they pay themselves 2,000 a week while I don't even make 2000 in a month.

TLDR: Boss sloppily and partialy did my “Easy job” so I could fix a huge inventory fuckup they caused for the past year that they're too lazy to fix themselves.

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