
Boss making inappropriate comments about my salary in front of customers

My boss (lets call him Gary) has been making “jokes” to customers about how I make more money than him (which is a fucking lie) and cutting my pay while I’m in the room. To paint a picture for you without being too specific, I have a technical school degree and make $5 over minimum wage and 40% commission on sales. I bring home about $600 after taxes on a good month. My boss Gary on the other hand has apparently made $3000 this month already. He gets the remaining 60% of my commission and 100% of his own sales profits go to overhead or into his pocket. His colleagues pay a larger portion of the rent than he does. He SERIOUSLY undercharges for his services compared to local competition, so if he’s struggling its nobody’s fault but his own. He has a mortgage, a few kids, and his wife…

My boss (lets call him Gary) has been making “jokes” to customers about how I make more money than him (which is a fucking lie) and cutting my pay while I’m in the room.

To paint a picture for you without being too specific, I have a technical school degree and make $5 over minimum wage and 40% commission on sales. I bring home about $600 after taxes on a good month.

My boss Gary on the other hand has apparently made $3000 this month already. He gets the remaining 60% of my commission and 100% of his own sales profits go to overhead or into his pocket. His colleagues pay a larger portion of the rent than he does. He SERIOUSLY undercharges for his services compared to local competition, so if he’s struggling its nobody’s fault but his own. He has a mortgage, a few kids, and his wife does not have a job or contribute to rent or bills. I’m not saying he’s rich but if I was making 3k+ per month I would not be complaining.

He always makes comments about how poor he is, how I make more money than him, and that he’s gonna have to cut my pay to stay afloat. It makes me so mad because I had to move out of my apartment and back in with family for the “experience” that comes with this job. Its patronizing and embarrassing and makes me feel guilty for making well below a living wage.

Not looking for advice, just needed to vent. Hopefully I’ll have saved up enough to move by summer so he won’t be my problem much longer. I changed a few details and was very vague in the post because he keeps tabs on my social media too and I wouldn’t be shocked if he found my Reddit 🤣

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