
Boss making me come in sick because I can’t find coverage when I covered for everyone who was sick last week

Hi, everyone, this is both a bit of a rant and a dragging of my workplace. So, my permanent job is to watch and care for the children in After Care at a school. It’s not many hours, but as I have a myriad of chronic illnesses and am still regaining my stamina after a hospital stay last year, it’s about all I can handle. However, I am getting married soon, so I’ve been trying to pick up odd jobs here and there. I’ve covered Morning Care, cafeteria, babysitting for a teacher’s newborn, and even substituted a teacher’s classes twice. Every single one of these was because the other worker was sick and needed help. I offered because I know what it’s like to be sick. However, now that I’m sick and feeling horrible because my chronic conditions are flaring after covering shifts several times last week, I still have…

Hi, everyone, this is both a bit of a rant and a dragging of my workplace.

So, my permanent job is to watch and care for the children in After Care at a school. It’s not many hours, but as I have a myriad of chronic illnesses and am still regaining my stamina after a hospital stay last year, it’s about all I can handle.

However, I am getting married soon, so I’ve been trying to pick up odd jobs here and there. I’ve covered Morning Care, cafeteria, babysitting for a teacher’s newborn, and even substituted a teacher’s classes twice. Every single one of these was because the other worker was sick and needed help. I offered because I know what it’s like to be sick.

However, now that I’m sick and feeling horrible because my chronic conditions are flaring after covering shifts several times last week, I still have to come in??

I’ve emailed and texted everyone I covered last week (8 people) and have received exactly 1 text back, saying no. The others have not responded, even with several having read the messages. My boss pretty much just said, “Sorry, I can cover the first 15 minutes of your shift, but that’s it.” I substituted two entire days for her last week.

It’s like everyone has forgotten that I can get sick too. Like I’m an after thought when it comes to my health because I’m “always sick anyway” from my chronic illnesses (I have only taken two days off this whole year from my chronic illnesses).

I dunno, I just don’t feel respected. I feel like I’m being used.

Well, if this keeps up pretty soon they’re going to lose me because I’m going to get so burnt out I’m either going to quit or land in the ER again. They’ll face the consequences of their own actions – and honestly, can’t wait to see it happen.

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