
Boss making me sit around…

I'm an a/v technician(helper) and currently sitting around a job sight with literally nothing to do. Called my boss and told me to chill here so I can still get my 8 hours. Like wtf? I don't know weather to just go home or stay. Or if this is a bad thing. Currently, there is no work on other job sights for me todo either so it's not like I can get transfered over.

I'm an a/v technician(helper) and currently sitting around a job sight with literally nothing to do. Called my boss and told me to chill here so I can still get my 8 hours. Like wtf? I don't know weather to just go home or stay. Or if this is a bad thing. Currently, there is no work on other job sights for me todo either so it's not like I can get transfered over.

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