
Boss not paying overtime

Hi all, I just started a new job as a cook at a restaurant about a five months ago and after investigating have realized that my boss isn’t paying me for overtime. For context I have been working 50 hour weeks essentially since I started. I’m not sure what to do about this – is he allowed to ignore paying overtime? If he should be what should my next course of action be? ( I live in Texas if that changes anything)Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Hi all, I just started a new job as a cook at a restaurant about a five months ago and after investigating have realized that my boss isn’t paying me for overtime. For context I have been working 50 hour weeks essentially since I started. I’m not sure what to do about this – is he allowed to ignore paying overtime? If he should be what should my next course of action be? ( I live in Texas if that changes anything)Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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