
Boss passed me up for a promotion for someone way less qualified and way less available than I am

I’m a college student and I work at a small local business that’s pretty popular where I am. There’s been some changes at work while we lost one of our staff members(L) after they were treated poorly by my boss(B). I knew with them leaving and one of the other managers (N) moving to a new position in the business that I wanted to see if I could help in any way. I spoke to B and was told I would potentially take one of the spots that N was filling in for after L had left. Recently it was announced that the position I was expected to take because N and I are the most qualified for it was taken by one of our coworkers (Z) who is completely unqualified and has extremely limited availability from other personal obligations. Z will admit to not being qualified and the only…

I’m a college student and I work at a small local business that’s pretty popular where I am.

There’s been some changes at work while we lost one of our staff members(L) after they were treated poorly by my boss(B). I knew with them leaving and one of the other managers (N) moving to a new position in the business that I wanted to see if I could help in any way. I spoke to B and was told I would potentially take one of the spots that N was filling in for after L had left. Recently it was announced that the position I was expected to take because N and I are the most qualified for it was taken by one of our coworkers (Z) who is completely unqualified and has extremely limited availability from other personal obligations.

Z will admit to not being qualified and the only people qualified to properly train Z would be me and N but we’re not paid to do so. I reached out to my boss to see if the other position held by N right now would still be mine and he has yet to respond. Although he has been active in the work groupchat and insinuated he’s communicating with other coworkers in his messages.

I was already wary of how things were from my start at this job because I saw constantly how B mistreated his employees and we have our own disagreements on morals and values. When L left after they were fed up with mistreatment from B, I knew things were going to go downhill. L constantly advocated for the rest of us and fought to make our jobs more enjoyable. I really love my job but the social environment is too much at this point. I’m considering working there until I hit a year and then quitting so it won’t look bad on my resume. I can’t force myself to work for somebody who treats people like stepping stones.

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