
boss rates me as below expectations on creativity

For our performance review she rated me below expectations. Reasoning because I bring ideas for frameworks to the table but don't adapt them to fit the company. She micromanages me and tells me to do things how she wants, and tells me I should seek input from others before starting projects. I'm sorry, how am I suppose to exercise creativity? Oh, I'm also a professional pianist, artist, writer, singer, songwriter, I draw and do all sorts of creative things. I know I am exceptionally creative but I guess not in the corporate sense. I also have an MBA so I approach projects systematically and with frameworks but am always told to dumb it down. Time to find a new job that actually appreciates my creative talents.

For our performance review she rated me below expectations. Reasoning because I bring ideas for frameworks to the table but don't adapt them to fit the company. She micromanages me and tells me to do things how she wants, and tells me I should seek input from others before starting projects. I'm sorry, how am I suppose to exercise creativity?

Oh, I'm also a professional pianist, artist, writer, singer, songwriter, I draw and do all sorts of creative things. I know I am exceptionally creative but I guess not in the corporate sense. I also have an MBA so I approach projects systematically and with frameworks but am always told to dumb it down. Time to find a new job that actually appreciates my creative talents.

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