
Boss says “It’s unethical to take a leave because of a death in the family”

I joined my current company on 25th October 2022. Our actual on job training begins on 31st Oct 2022 and till then, our boss calls the whole group of new joiners around 9pm where we have to say “present sir” like elementary school kids. Today morning around 8am, my grandmother passed away in her sleep, so I dropped a message to my current reporting manager around 3pm that I won't be able to join the call today, I don't have any concerns and I'll be joining them in the office directly on 31st Oct. There was literally no shred of empathy from him, however he did explicitly say that it is unethical to mark you present since you aren't available on the call, no matter the reason. We go a bit back and forth about the situation as our family is going through the sudden demise of my grandmother and…

I joined my current company on 25th October 2022. Our actual on job training begins on 31st Oct 2022 and till then, our boss calls the whole group of new joiners around 9pm where we have to say “present sir” like elementary school kids.
Today morning around 8am, my grandmother passed away in her sleep, so I dropped a message to my current reporting manager around 3pm that I won't be able to join the call today, I don't have any concerns and I'll be joining them in the office directly on 31st Oct.
There was literally no shred of empathy from him, however he did explicitly say that it is unethical to mark you present since you aren't available on the call, no matter the reason. We go a bit back and forth about the situation as our family is going through the sudden demise of my grandmother and managing things at home will be hectic and there's a possibility that I won't have my phone with me.
He says that “for now I'll mark you on unpaid leave and if you join the call, you'll be marked present” I break down a bit as I didn't have enough mental space for this crap and complied with that. I was marked as leave without pay. Today at 9pm, no call happened but I was still marked as leave without pay. I called my manager citing this issue as I was still marked as absent for the day even though everyone got a default present.

Manager: I don't know what to say to you, your grandmother couldn't have found a worse time to die. I will mark you as present but make sure you bring a proof of your grandma dying. And please fix your tone, just because someone died doesn't mean that they become more important than job.

I have all of that on call recording and WhatsApp chats. Can anyone suggest future steps to deal with it?

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