
Boss scheduled me for 0 hours for nearly three weeks after christmas

I’m writing this subreddit because I’ve been searching the internet for the answers to no avail. i’m a part time worker at a local icecream shop in Minnesota, and i go to school fulltime. on average i get 9-20 hours a week. i’ve had this job not even a full year (i reach 1 year in February) and i’ve taken breaks to go back to my home state during the summer and during christmas. i asked and they had no problems with this, and would schedule me back to as many hours as I could take on when I returned to school. this time, however, they didn’t schedule me when I got back. Which was odd, but i waited. i now have not been scheduled to work ANY hours for 10 days, and not for the next week, insuring i’ll be without a job for 17 days since I was…

I’m writing this subreddit because I’ve been searching the internet for the answers to no avail. i’m a part time worker at a local icecream shop in Minnesota, and i go to school fulltime. on average i get 9-20 hours a week. i’ve had this job not even a full year (i reach 1 year in February) and i’ve taken breaks to go back to my home state during the summer and during christmas. i asked and they had no problems with this, and would schedule me back to as many hours as I could take on when I returned to school. this time, however, they didn’t schedule me when I got back. Which was odd, but i waited. i now have not been scheduled to work ANY hours for 10 days, and not for the next week, insuring i’ll be without a job for 17 days since I was supposed to return. When i asked my work why i wasn’t scheduled, and contacted all of my managers to affirm that i am back and have been back for a week, they said
“We know you're back. We just have a minimal amount of shifts and are scheduling based on what we have available.“ and then proceeded to not schedule me another week. i’m currently looking for new jobs but i haven’t quit yet, but i’ve been told to a) ask here to affirm i have a potential case despite being a part time worker and b) apply for unemployment once i figure out if i can. again i do live in minnesota, ive looked everywhere but i cant find the exact rules regarding part time workers!

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