
Boss thinks I don’t do enough

We are understaffed and all work our asses off yet they still want us to do more, more, more. If you assert reasonable boundaries, such as leaving work on time or taking a full break, some people in mgmt act like you just shot their mother. Boundaries are healthy yet toxic management with giant egos somehow sees them as unprofessional. Criticize you for things out of your control yet they can’t take any sort of feedback without seeing it as a personal affront to their authority. Others gaslight you into thinking it’s your fault. Working in corporate America has been like suffering from a parasite that slowly sucks out your soul.

We are understaffed and all work our asses off yet they still want us to do more, more, more. If you assert reasonable boundaries, such as leaving work on time or taking a full break, some people in mgmt act like you just shot their mother. Boundaries are healthy yet toxic management with giant egos somehow sees them as unprofessional. Criticize you for things out of your control yet they can’t take any sort of feedback without seeing it as a personal affront to their authority. Others gaslight you into thinking it’s your fault. Working in corporate America has been like suffering from a parasite that slowly sucks out your soul.

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