
Boss told my entire team he thought I was going to cry

Looking for advice. I work in med device and have less than a year in. Being the new guy the work load is crazy and I get stuck on call constantly, the demands are beyond unreasonable. I’ve had two days off in the last month, even sat/Sunday are 10+ hours and during the week is worse. Two weeks ago it was so bad I fell asleep driving and didn’t catch that the nurse had assembled an instrument incorrectly. I called my boss to say I was worried that a patient or myself was going to end up hurt. We had a meeting with the entire branch last night (I was stuck covering a case until 10pm and missed the meeting). During the meeting my boss joked about me being “worked like a mule” jokingly shared that he “thought I was going to cry” when I called him. My coworker recorded…

Looking for advice. I work in med device and have less than a year in. Being the new guy the work load is crazy and I get stuck on call constantly, the demands are beyond unreasonable. I’ve had two days off in the last month, even sat/Sunday are 10+ hours and during the week is worse. Two weeks ago it was so bad I fell asleep driving and didn’t catch that the nurse had assembled an instrument incorrectly. I called my boss to say I was worried that a patient or myself was going to end up hurt.

We had a meeting with the entire branch last night (I was stuck covering a case until 10pm and missed the meeting). During the meeting my boss joked about me being “worked like a mule” jokingly shared that he “thought I was going to cry” when I called him. My coworker recorded it thinking I would take it as praise as it was supposed to be a sortof thank you for working so hard speech.

I’m absolutely appalled and I think that’s the last straw. Do I have any recourse? Do you think this would qualify as a hostile work environment? My coworkers all think it was a compliment but I feel absolutely humiliated.

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