
Boss told my friend he only gives overtime to ‘people who deserve it’

For context: my friend just got a full time job which he was happy about until they pulled the bait-and-switch and had him working 10-12 hour days with only 2 days off a week. He asked his boss if he was entitled to overtime and this man had the nerve to say he only gives it to people who he thinks 'aren't abusing it'. Okay… huh? Is this even legal? The state we live in says any hour over 40 qualifies for either time off or 1.5 in pay per hour and he's doing at least 50 a week.

For context: my friend just got a full time job which he was happy about until they pulled the bait-and-switch and had him working 10-12 hour days with only 2 days off a week. He asked his boss if he was entitled to overtime and this man had the nerve to say he only gives it to people who he thinks 'aren't abusing it'. Okay… huh? Is this even legal? The state we live in says any hour over 40 qualifies for either time off or 1.5 in pay per hour and he's doing at least 50 a week.

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