
Boss turned my office into his personal kitchen/breakroom

I have been at a job for about 6 months. Our group is in the top floor of a crummy building. The top floor has about 8 offices, 4 of which are for our group. The other 4 are for a different group that also has 6 offices in the floor below and a break room that group has and can use. Now our group only consists of 3 people at this location. Thus one office is “empty” in our group. When i started i was in a different office and my boss set up a microwave, mini fridge, table… everything for a break room basically. Now after working for 2 months i was told i needed to move offices as the office i was in belonged to a group member who works at a different site. They may need to have her in on occasion here and this was…

I have been at a job for about 6 months. Our group is in the top floor of a crummy building. The top floor has about 8 offices, 4 of which are for our group. The other 4 are for a different group that also has 6 offices in the floor below and a break room that group has and can use.

Now our group only consists of 3 people at this location. Thus one office is “empty” in our group. When i started i was in a different office and my boss set up a microwave, mini fridge, table… everything for a break room basically. Now after working for 2 months i was told i needed to move offices as the office i was in belonged to a group member who works at a different site. They may need to have her in on occasion here and this was her office so you need to move. Thus i was forced into the “break room” office. I asked to have the stuff removed but i was told no i cannot as him and my coworker at this site(who he lets do whatever they want and get away with everything. Clearly his favorite) like having the convenience of the microwave and fridge.

So now i am in a situation where my boss and coworker come into my office anytime they want without knocking or showing any respect. It doesn’t matter if I’m on a call or doing work. They do not knock and just basically drop kick my door open and push buttons making all kinds of beeping even when I’m on a call. The rudeness of all of this is another thing in itself. My office constantly smells horrible due to all the food cooked and kept here and it is very very hard to stay focused. I tried to bring this up multiple times with my boss but he just blows me off.

Of and the icing on the cake. The coworker who works at another site whose “office it is” has only been in 2 days in the past 4 months. I looked at company policy and technically there is no “assigned” offices and its up to group manager for their area. There is no rule against having a mini fridge or microwave in the office. So basically there is nothing i can do about it. Its worth noting as well that my boss and coworkers offices at this location are about 33% larger than the other 2 and they both have large windows that get lots of light. My office is much smaller with a tiny rectangular basement type window that gets no light.

Believe me i have been trying very hard to find a new job as this place is horrible. Just no luck Big Sad

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