
Boss uses ableist slur talking about employee

So I’ve been working in my current role for about six months. My manager is completely incompetent and has unrealistic expectations. I’ve worked in the industry for nearly 10 years, so I know the ins and outs and I am constantly explaining processes and information about the industry on a near daily basis. I’ve talked with hr multiple times about her incompetence and abrasiveness multiple times and have been met with “well we are looking into it” or “that’s just her personality so not much we can do”. We have had multiple employees quit due to her and I’m concerned that she’s going to take the company down if something doesn’t change. However, that’s not my point. I work very closely with her and spend probably 2-3 hours every day on the phone with her discussing reports (that I’ve created because she doesn’t know how) and performance and a multitude…

So I’ve been working in my current role for about six months. My manager is completely incompetent and has unrealistic expectations. I’ve worked in the industry for nearly 10 years, so I know the ins and outs and I am constantly explaining processes and information about the industry on a near daily basis. I’ve talked with hr multiple times about her incompetence and abrasiveness multiple times and have been met with “well we are looking into it” or “that’s just her personality so not much we can do”.
We have had multiple employees quit due to her and I’m concerned that she’s going to take the company down if something doesn’t change.
However, that’s not my point. I work very closely with her and spend probably 2-3 hours every day on the phone with her discussing reports (that I’ve created because she doesn’t know how) and performance and a multitude of other things.
One day I expressed concern about an employee and their performance and she said “well xxxx is r-word so I don’t know what to do about it”. I didn’t like her comment at all but brushed it under the rug thinking it was a one time thing.
Today, we were having a conversation about a different employee and she again said “xxxx is a r-word and he just doesn’t get it”.
I know I should report this, but if I do it’ll expose me as the person who reported her as it was a one on one conversation.
I’m tired of this abusive talk towards employees and not being held accountable for it.

Any suggestions?

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