
Boss wants me to work overtime and on weekends

I work as a PM for a project based company. Company's revenue has been trippled this year from past two years but same no.of people are working. Therefore everyone is overworked and unhappy. Now my for my project only me and my boss are working. I work more that 50 hrs a week due to my 8.45 hrs working everyday. I give my 100% when I am at work and try to do as much as tasks within the day. But due to high workload, I am not able to complete all the tasks. My boss wants me to work overtime and on weekends. He is like my happy days are over and I should constantly be overworked and brain drained. He makes me guilty for not staying back after work hours.As a PM the work I do everyday is mostly about solving problems of the project which is time…

I work as a PM for a project based company. Company's revenue has been trippled this year from past two years but same no.of people are working. Therefore everyone is overworked and unhappy.

Now my for my project only me and my boss are working. I work more that 50 hrs a week due to my 8.45 hrs working everyday. I give my 100% when I am at work and try to do as much as tasks within the day. But due to high workload, I am not able to complete all the tasks.

My boss wants me to work overtime and on weekends. He is like my happy days are over and I should constantly be overworked and brain drained. He makes me guilty for not staying back after work hours.As a PM the work I do everyday is mostly about solving problems of the project which is time consuming and brain draining. I am exhausted by end of the day and cannot put more hours daily.
Also I am amining for a carrer change and preparing for masters. Therefore I do not have more time outside office hours.

How can I tell my boss that I cannot work more that I have now ???

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