
Boss wants to fire me before my two weeks are up because I’m using my sick days.

I resigned. I put in my two weeks and still had the California mandated 24hrs of sick leave left over that the employer doesn’t pay out. -So I’m using it. Now my former boss wants to move my last day up to yesterday in retaliation. I quoted (Lab. Code § 246.5, subd. (c)(1).) and he’s like, piss’d at me.

I resigned. I put in my two weeks and still had the California mandated 24hrs of sick leave left over that the employer doesn’t pay out. -So I’m using it.
Now my former boss wants to move my last day up to yesterday in retaliation.
I quoted (Lab. Code § 246.5, subd. (c)(1).) and he’s like, piss’d at me.

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