
Boss will not discipline crazy assistant manager/shift lead.

So long story short, my boss recently hired a new assistant manager, (when I was told it was supposed to me after the last one moved on). She’s borderline bat shit crazy. As soon as she came in, she changed all the rules on us, and has had it out for a couple of us since day one. She’s singled a couple of us out multiple times for arbitrary shit. We work at a restaurant, and she’s sent us pictures of single towels left out over night, a little ring from a coffee mug, and some other things. Things that people would just look over, shrug and just pick up/wipe down, with an accompanying text either threatening to write up/fire. She’s constantly changing her expectations for us. Some days she’s complaining about not enough stock, and then the next day too much. Cleaning is a crap shoot on what she…

So long story short, my boss recently hired a new assistant manager, (when I was told it was supposed to me after the last one moved on). She’s borderline bat shit crazy. As soon as she came in, she changed all the rules on us, and has had it out for a couple of us since day one.

She’s singled a couple of us out multiple times for arbitrary shit. We work at a restaurant, and she’s sent us pictures of single towels left out over night, a little ring from a coffee mug, and some other things. Things that people would just look over, shrug and just pick up/wipe down, with an accompanying text either threatening to write up/fire.

She’s constantly changing her expectations for us. Some days she’s complaining about not enough stock, and then the next day too much. Cleaning is a crap shoot on what she wants. Every day is just walking on egg shells with her. She’s made several employees cry from her berating them over minuscule things.

We’ve all gone to our boss over her management style and attitude. He refuses to say anything to her, saying it’s an “interpersonal issue” and that’s we need to talk to her directly. However, we try to. She either ignores us, refuses to talk to us, or is rude from the get go no matter what we say.

We do have an “HR” but they’re borderline incompetent. Inside note, all of her kids work with us as well, and those are the only ones who don’t get singled out.

Does anybody have any advice? It’s been months of us busting our ass trying to make her happy, only resulting in her trying to write us up/fire us? Any legal advice if we do get fired/written up would be helpful as well, if anything could be done.

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