
Boss wouldn’t even let me come in Two hours late

I asked my boss if I could come in a little later because I went to a concert last night out of town with my mom and sister for my sister's bday and we didn't get home until like 2 am. It went on way later than I expected and I didn't even really want to go but my mom already got us tickets and it was my sister's birthday so she really wanted me to. Being that I have to wake up at 6:30 am and be to work at 8 I asked if I could just come in at 9 or 10 because of hardly getting any sleep. And she says no I really need you here at 8. I hardly call in. It's just so annoying and i don't feel safe driving with the little amount of sleep that I got. Idk what the big deal is…

I asked my boss if I could come in a little later because I went to a concert last night out of town with my mom and sister for my sister's bday and we didn't get home until like 2 am. It went on way later than I expected and I didn't even really want to go but my mom already got us tickets and it was my sister's birthday so she really wanted me to. Being that I have to wake up at 6:30 am and be to work at 8 I asked if I could just come in at 9 or 10 because of hardly getting any sleep. And she says no I really need you here at 8. I hardly call in. It's just so annoying and i don't feel safe driving with the little amount of sleep that I got. Idk what the big deal is letting me come in a few hours later it's not like I'm asking for the whole day off. Sorry I'm not a workaholic like you that comes into the office at 3am. I hate my job sometimes ha

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