
Boss wouldn’t let a pregnant woman off her feet.

I’m fuming writing this in the bathroom right now. For context, I (17F) work at a pizza place that has a kitchen area and a front seating area with two booths. I handle pretty much everything with managing phone calls, cleaning tables, folding boxes, etc etc. A new member of our staff had been hired the Monday before – We will call her M for the sake of this story. M is pregnant with her first child, and accepted a job here as previously stated. She works phones, and I’m guiding her through the process. She’s about 6 months along in her pregnancy, and it’s been rough for her when her job involves standing. However, a solution has been found by me to just sit her down in the lobby and do paperwork for texts. What’s essential about this is that this call room is right next to the outside…

I’m fuming writing this in the bathroom right now. For context, I (17F) work at a pizza place that has a kitchen area and a front seating area with two booths. I handle pretty much everything with managing phone calls, cleaning tables, folding boxes, etc etc. A new member of our staff had been hired the Monday before – We will call her M for the sake of this story. M is pregnant with her first child, and accepted a job here as previously stated. She works phones, and I’m guiding her through the process. She’s about 6 months along in her pregnancy, and it’s been rough for her when her job involves standing. However, a solution has been found by me to just sit her down in the lobby and do paperwork for texts. What’s essential about this is that this call room is right next to the outside area, hidden by a door you use to enter the call area and then the kitchen. Now I suggested that M sit down and do her work since she was heavily pregnant, and would help her feet, while I have done this multiple times to verify it can be done easily with such a short walk. If more customers came in, obviously I would have to move, which was fine because I got to sit down anyways. Now my manager – we will call him A – decides this is completely out of the question, forbidding her from sitting down and just saying “embrace the pain”? Wtf? What makes me different from her to where she can’t sit down? I’m not pregnant or having any disabilities, so why isn’t she allowed to sit down and somehow I am? His response was just wrong to me. If it’s a duty we have to get done, why can’t she be at least a little bit more comfortable doing it? Not sure if this is a stupid thing to get mad at. Just something that confused me.

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