
Boss writes me up can I fight this or should I just let it be and walk away?

So it was Saturday night my immediate supervisor leaves early for the night to get home putting me in charge of closing down the kitchen. I close down the kitchen like we do every single night making sure everything is clean, trash is taken out, all equipment is turned off and properly cleaned and shut down as to not potentially burn the place down. Well I walk into work yesterday morning from a three day weekend to a very upset boss. He claims equipment was left on: one of the friers, two ovens and some other price of equipment was left on over the three days we were gone. In my defense I know for a fact I turned off all equipment and even double and triple checked to make sure it was all off. Well as I was walking out the door he writes me up claiming I put…

So it was Saturday night my immediate supervisor leaves early for the night to get home putting me in charge of closing down the kitchen. I close down the kitchen like we do every single night making sure everything is clean, trash is taken out, all equipment is turned off and properly cleaned and shut down as to not potentially burn the place down. Well I walk into work yesterday morning from a three day weekend to a very upset boss. He claims equipment was left on: one of the friers, two ovens and some other price of equipment was left on over the three days we were gone. In my defense I know for a fact I turned off all equipment and even double and triple checked to make sure it was all off. Well as I was walking out the door he writes me up claiming I put other employees in danger and could have burnt the place down and so on and such. Well I agree with that statement but I know for damn sure that I turned everything off. So unless some how we have people breaking into our kitchen and turning things on while we were gone then I have no idea. We do have a ghost, I believe, but not sure a ghost would be powerful enough to turn on one frier, two ovens and something else I forget what he said. So like should I fight this and go to my corporate executive boss. Which is his boss or should I just start looking for another job? This is the second time he wrote me up this month. The first time was me exercising my right to freedom of speach apparently you can't complain out your boss to other coworkers. So anyways, I think he's trying to terminate me through the technicality of issuing me three write ups. cause he doesn't have what it takes to actually come forward and one fire me or two say it's time for me to move on. In my defense I can't remember leaving the equipment on, but I know damn well for sure that triple checked that it was all off. So I just want to know, is it worthwhile Fighting the write up going to his boss our corporate executive boss( who I'm on good terms with) and saying this is what happened I believe it's a false claim and then from there asking for a transfer even if that transfer involves a pay cut or should I find another job, keep low, avoid final write up and then move on and tell him to fuck himself?? ( Im not actually going to do the last part and say tbsg to him. I know better and to leave with grace. But I can dream lol)

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