
Boss wrote me up for leaving at scheduled time, and for “being too slow” done with this hypocrite.

As I started a new job at a pretty well known oil change garage only about a month ago, things were looking OK, but I immediately knew things were going to turn sour once I heard buzzwords like: “FAMILY” “SERVICE TIMES” and realized much of the building was under long-term unfinished renovations. Was I ever right. I could give out my life story, and write an entire book about my first month working here, and the amount if bigotry, hypocrisy, and piss poor managing, and severely unsafe working conditions that I deal with. But I would like to just vent about today, as its the first time in my history of employment where I had been reprimanded for doing my job properly. My first issue is the scheduled times. I'm scheduled a general timeline of 8am – 4 pm, as of recent i've started my intro at Vet school, and…

As I started a new job at a pretty well known oil change garage only about a month ago, things were looking OK, but I immediately knew things were going to turn sour once I heard buzzwords like: “FAMILY” “SERVICE TIMES” and realized much of the building was under long-term unfinished renovations.

Was I ever right. I could give out my life story, and write an entire book about my first month working here, and the amount if bigotry, hypocrisy, and piss poor managing, and severely unsafe working conditions that I deal with. But I would like to just vent about today, as its the first time in my history of employment where I had been reprimanded for doing my job properly.

My first issue is the scheduled times. I'm scheduled a general timeline of 8am – 4 pm, as of recent i've started my intro at Vet school, and requested that my times are of the closing period for 11am-7pm on weekdays, while I stated I'm available for any time on weekends, which they agreed to, awesome! until they said “never mind” and started scheduling for days randomly, and now I have to choose my job over school, and they even took me from the Sunday schedule indefinitely. And as such I take public transportation, of which the timeline is generally an hour between scheduled busses, The first one being 8 minutes after 7, and the later being at 8. I leave at my designated time so that I may catch that bus, and have not EVER been asked to stay later. Until recent, the manager asked that I stop leaving at my scheduled time, and stay to help the closing team continue cleaning, even though our cleaning is generally done prior to 7pm, we usually, if not always are waiting on the MoD to finish counting the EoD money deposits. The MoD even tells me, that I may leave. During my write up, I explained to the manager that, the person he leaves in charge, tells me that I may leave, and never asks that I stay past this time. The hypocrisy starts when I realize our manager is payed on salary, and leaves EVERY DAY 2-1 hour early REGULARLY, even when we are short staffed, and high business hours. I didn't bring this up due to the fact of my second write up from today. I was told my times have to improve, as we promise 12-15min oil changes with extra services included. My times are generally 12-15min, but they push for lower so they can cash in on regulars 5k bonuses at end of quarter reviews. That being said, I was working with a vehicle when one of my coworkers made a call out, and in our service we have to make checks to the callouts to ensure that they are accurate, I couldn't hear the call and walked to the other employee to ask when the check was. My manager yelled to me to “Hurry the fuck up” in front of a full store. I stated my intention and he said “Its unfair that everyone is hustling and your walking” I told him again that I didn't hear and I was asking what the check was for, but instead he repeated himself to which I lashed out and said “What am I rushing for, if I didn't hear what was said?” he then pulled me off to the office and handed me the 2 separate write ups, in which one was waiting a week prior, because I had contracted covid due to him threatening another employee their job if they didn't come in to work even though they had tested positive, and DIDNT WEAR A FUCKING MASK OR TELL ANYONE. So I was in quarantine for a week straight, in which he also tried pulling the same shit, but I told him, no. and the other because I guess I hurt his ego by talking back to him. Anyways thus ends my TED talk, and rant about how awful this situation is.

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